nothing else matters

questions and observations from a young husband, father, and minister...

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

the "ba-da-bah!"

Ok, things have been pretty heavy here in blog-land recently; so I’ll share some stuff that I’ve been meaning to share for a while. A few weeks ago, Angela and I sat down to watch “Supersize Me”. What a disturbing movie! It’s a documentary about a guy who decides to eat nothing but McDonalds, 3 meals a day, for 30 days. He is being monitored by doctors the entire time. The rules are, he has to eat everything on the menu at least once, and if they offer to supersize it for him, he has to take it. I don’t even think I can fully describe this movie; you need to see it for yourself. I realize that the entire movie is a bash on corporate America and the brainwashing of today’s youth, but man, it’s hard to look at the chicken nugget the same way again. Will I stop eating McD’s? I doubt it. But there is something to this brainwashing today’s youth thing. Kyra, from about 1 year old started something that was funny, but a bit disturbing. We hardly ever go to McD’s. I go, but usually at lunch. So she wasn’t really exposed to it very much. As we were driving down the street one day, all the sudden she says, “Da Ba-Da-Bah!” We were like, “what?” Then we figured it out. She recognized the golden arches and thought it was called “Ba-Da-Bah”…the newest theme song on McD’s commercials. You know, “ba-da-ba-ba-bah!” So not only do those commercials work, but our daughter obviously watches too much TV. We have since cut back. Now, when she sees the arches, she says, “There’s the Ba-Da-Bah, which is also McDonalds.” I kid you not!

So go get a Big Mac Meal and rent “Supersize Me”. It’ll make for an enjoyable evening.


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