nothing else matters

questions and observations from a young husband, father, and minister...

Friday, May 13, 2005

kyra date night

Angela is gone this weekend, so I told Kyra we were going on a date tonight :-) I gave her choices on what she wanted to do...and here's what she chose:

Chik-fil-a ...followed by
trip to Disney Store...followed by
A ride on the train (those little coin operated thingies at the mall...but she doesn't know you can put $ in them and make them go :-)...followed by
Some time in the mall playland...followed by
A trip to Borders; where she could pick up the book of her choice (by the way, she choose Giggles with Tigger)

We came home late, I gave her a bath (always fun :-)
and off to bed!

What a night...great fun was had by all.

But earlier wasn't so much fun. I decided to try and let Kyra have a few books in bed during nap time. We usually don't allow this because for some reason she rips the pages out of her books. But I thought she might be over that. NOT SO!

I kept hearing strange noises from her room; went in and she had taken ripping to a whole new level. She had taken her "Woodsman and the Amazing Fish" book and literally shredded it into tiny pieces. Just like a paper shredder. WHY?
Her first words (after she stopped crying from me spanking her) "Fix it daddy!" Why would she do this, I ask? "I don't know", she replied.
2 year olds....

Anyway, tonight was good. I am a blessed man. On the way home she kept wanting to hear "Rudolph" No, we don't listen to Christmas tunes in May...but I had Toby Mac's DiverCity CD playing and he has a song his son raps called "TrueDog" No matter how many times I told her it was not Rudolph ("O.K Kyra say true..."TWEU"..."OK now say dog..."DOG!" say true dog..."RUDOLPH!") she just wouldn't budge. Oh, well...

As I type on the mac, I found an article about email management. I am an email junky. I needed to read this article ( I brought home my work laptop this weekend to see if I could clean it up. I currently have the entire desktop full of icons (and I have a 17" widescreen PC!) But even worse, my Inbox currently has 4,076 messages...508 of which are unread! This is my WORK email address; that doesn't include my personal account that basically is full of junk and spam. I need an intervention.

Off to bed. I pray Kyra sleeps in...


  • At 4:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Nice job picking up the pace on the blog. Much better. Now KEEP IT UP!



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