nothing else matters

questions and observations from a young husband, father, and minister...

Monday, December 20, 2004

i'm still here...

Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. Although I must admit, I have felt like the living dead for the last few weeks. Ever since Thanksgiving I’ve been battling this terrible bug. I actually lost my voice completely for a few days, then it came back (sort of) and now I’m stuck in what seems to be the eternal “there’s a voice in there somewhere” funk. I know I need to rest my voice, but that’s pretty hard when it’s my job to use it :-) LOL

Anyway, it appears that things are starting to settle down, at least a bit. It seems that the holidays around NC are just a blur of activity. We went from the 40 Days of Purpose to Mittens & Toys (an awesome program that provides toys, among other things, for over 200 children in Washington Twsp), to our annual Christmas Party (like no other church dinner I’ve ever been to…no paper plates and 13 different casseroles here :-), to what I call our pre-Christmas services (which was yesterday), and then our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service. We have our final practice for Christmas Eve this Wednesday. I’m a bit nervous, but I think we’ll be OK. Then I think I’m gonna hibernate for a few months in 05 :-).

Seriously though, although I know this season is busy for all of us, it’s a wonderful time of year to reflect on what really matters. Yesterday we spent some time looking at various holiday traditions and seeing where they may have originated, but more importantly, what they can mean to use as Christians. It went great. I wasn’t quite awake yet for the 1st service (something about only getting 4 hours of sleep….more on this later) but God moved none-the-less. By 2nd service, the kinks were worked out and I was ready to go! The Praise Team did a great job and you could really sense the excitement and joy of celebrating our Savior’s birth!

Saturday, we went to a Christmas party with about 6 other couples at the Heasley’s. Robin and Damon are such great hosts. We spent the evening laughing, eating, laughing, sharing stories and getting to know each other better. Somehow the conversations morphed into discussing theology, the true meaning of salvation and our restoration heritage. WOW! I think it’s great that we can all share with each other like that.

Kyra is continuing to crack me up! You need to go visit Angela’s blog ( to read some of the silly things she’s been doing. Friday, I was lying with her on the couch watching Dora the Explorer. I got up for a second, and when I returned, she had stolen my spot. I cuddled in other side and propped my head up on my arm. She then looked at me, grabbed my head, and said, “Daddy…you lay on me!” and put my head on her chest. It was so cute. I guess whoever sits in “the spot” has to have someone lay on them! Of course, then about 5 minutes later she says, “Daddy, get off a’ me!” Aren’t kids great!